We currently offer a number of payment methods including Paypal, Payoneer, and Gift card options. We are continually expanding this selection.
Most rewards are processed within 48 hours. In some cases redemption may take up to 5 days. All rewards displayed and credited are in US Dollars.
If it is your first payout withdrawal may take a bit longer.
To redeem a reward click on the Redeem->Withdrawal tab.
If you are accessing on a mobile device, to find the Redeem tab, click the 3 lines on the top right of the main site (not the helpdesk page) to drop the navigation menu. Scroll down the menu until you find the option that says withdraw.
Account tasks are our way of rewarding you for achieveing certain milestones in your account. You will be paid the reward for each task completed in your task account. Some tasks are hidden and will only become accessible after you have completed another task. You can find them by clicking Tasks at the top of the page.
The Daily Bonus is our way of rewarding you for being an active member.
The categories to complete may change day-by-day.
You will earn a fixed amount for completing a certain number of Offers each day and a 10% Boost for completing a certain number of Surveys.
A Boost is different than the fixed rewards. It is credited at the end of the day and calculated based on your earnings that day. Earnings from other bonuses, tasks and affiliate commissions do not count towards the Boost. Only your earnings from Surveys and Offer completions are calculated into your Daily Boost.
The biggest opportunity you will have to earn money with Pagazani is through our Surveys. The first thing you should do is complete your Survey Profile. This profile helps us target more relevant surveys to you.
Then you should try to do a few offers or surveys if they are available to you. You can find these pages by clicking on the Surveys, Offers, and Router tabs on the top of each page. If you do not see any, please do not get discouraged as new offers and surveys come in all the time so keep checking back.
You do not need to purchase anything in order to earn money. We have multiple ways for you to make money. Firstly by Surveys, by checking out the Surveys page and Routers page. Secondly by Offers. by checking out the different Offer networks on the site. Thirdly, By completing Account Tasks and participating in the rotating Daily Bonus categories.
We recommend whenever possible that you try to earn the Boost for each day that you earn. The Boost, as displayed in the Daily Bonus, will allow you to earn extra that day on top of all your daily earnings.
And lastly, Promote your affiliate URL. The more members you have under you the more commissions you will make. You earn commissions from the ads surveys and offers that are completed by your referrals. (more incentives coming in the near future too)
If you want to maximize your earnings, focus your promotion habits on members from North America, this will earn you the highest!
Yes. We do not mind if you access your account from home, work, the Library, friends house, internet cafe etc. Accessing your account from a different IP address does not put your account in any danger of being closed or suspended. But, you may not share your PC with any other member on Pagazani. If our system detects this activity we lock both accounts.
We do not place caps or limits on how much a member can earn. You can take as many Surveys or Offers as you are eligible for. Some members may have access to more Surveys or Offers on certain days, but all members have the same earning opportunities. All members can also participate in our Affiliate program, Account Tasks, and Daily Bonus categories.
The amount of surveys, the amount they pay out and whether or not they are available to you is dependent on the amount of available studies being done by market research companies. It is also important to be truthful and remain consistent with your answers.
We have no control over when new surveys will be available for you, only that you check at different times and often.
We advise you to keep checking the Surveys and Router pages frequently as available surveys are constantly updated in real time. Meaning that new surveys come in all the time at all hours of the day, some only lasting for an hour, and so forth. However, within a month, several days with very few surveys available, or none at all, might be expected, so just keep checking back.
You can get referrals by sharing your referral link found on the home account summary page or by clicking on Promote and then on Affiliate Program.
Share the link with friends, family, your whatsapp groups, or any social setting or social media. The key is to be creative.
To protect the integrity of our website, our affiliate program, and our partners, only one active account per household is permitted. This is actively enforced. We regularly review accounts for violation of this rule. Any account found to be in violation may be suspended and any credits earned will be returned.
If you encounter any errors or technical issues on our site you may report it to our helpdesk and click Bug Reports.